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Position 1 - The Address:
Tiger has a wide stance - about 2-3 inches wider than his shoulders. The longer the club, the wider the stance should be as shown with Tiger's tee shot here. Tiger's wide base allows him to create a wide arc and provides a strong foundation to support the tremendous speed of his swing.
Both feet are slightly flared - the left foot more than the right. Flare in the right foot encourages a full upper body turn in the backswing and the left foot flare allows the lower body to open up on the forward swing.

Tiger's upper body is positioned nicely over lower with the right shoulder slightly lower than the left at address. His head is positioned behind the ball which helps him, 1) pivot over his right leg in the backswing and, 2) helps his head remain behind the ball at impact - a key to powerful golf shots.

The ball is positioned opposite the left heel so he catches it just after the low point of the swing as the club is on the ascent - perfect launch conditions for a towering drive.
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Position 2 - Waist high back:
Tiger creates tremendous extension by turning his shoulders while his arms, hands and club swing back together in one piece. Because Tiger turns his upper body at this stage of the swing, his arms are allowed to swing back and away from his body creating a wide arc. A wide arc is essential to increased clubhead speed and distance. Many amateur
golfers make the mistake of snatching the club back with the hands with little or no upper body rotation or arm extension - a huge power leak..
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Position 3 - At the top:
Tiger's upper body is still on top of his lower with his hips turned just enough to allow his upper body to complete his turn. He has

maintained extension at the top with his arms as evidenced by his hands which are well away from his head. Many short-hitters allow their arms to collapse into their body at the top of the swing.
His exceptional flexibility allows his upper body to coil behind the ball with both feet planted firmly on the ground and the right knee remains flexed.
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Position 4 - Impact:
Tiger's hips are open and his left knee has worked toward the target and his right heel has come off the ground which keeps him tall and level through the hitting area.

His shoulders are open - about half as much as his hips - yet his head still remains behind the ball. Many golfers fight an initiation
of the downswing with their upper body. This sets the club on a steep angle of approach, the chest too open at impact, and the head too far in front of the ball at impact - perfect conditions for a weak slice..
His exceptional flexibility allows his upper body to coil behind the ball with both feet planted firmly on the ground and the right knee remains flexed
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Position 5 - Finish:
Tiger finishes nice and tall with chest and belt buckle pointed left of the target. His left leg is straight and the laces of his right shoe point to the target. His arms are in a relaxed position and his balance is so good he could stay there all day.

All steps together

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